Getting a Jump on Roof Repairs in the Spring

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Posted on April 28, 2023

Getting a Jump on Roof Repairs in the Spring

Spring is a great time to see if your roof needs repairing. It’s easier to get up on the roof on a sunny day and see if any shingles are loose or broken. And if you do need repairs, you will have a shorter wait for a roofer to get the job done. Roofers usually have more time for repairs in the spring compared to in the summer when they are busiest with new construction.

But before you grab a ladder and venture onto your roof, consider asking a trained roofing professional for an inspection. They will be able to find hidden problems that cause water damage and other issues no homeowner wants.

5 Signs Your Roof Needs Repairs This Spring

When a storm blows through and you wake up with debris from your roof on the lawn, it’s time for roof repairs. Winter weather, high winds, and hail all damage roofs. But not all damage is obvious. So how do you know if your roof is damaged?


Honest Abe Roofing recommends being proactive about roof repairs by inspecting your roof every spring and every fall. In the spring, look for damage from winter weather as well as these top five maintenance issues:


  1. 1. Trapped moisture: Certain areas of the roof can be moisture traps. The lowest point of the roof is the worst. Leaves and other debris from trees pile up in low spots, crevices, and in the gutters. The roof doesn’t get any air and soon the trapped moisture underneath leads to rotting and sagging boards. A rotting roof needs to be replaced right away to keep the rot from spreading.
  2. 2. Sealant leaks: When they are applied correctly, sealants cover the space between a roof and flashing and prevent leaking. But sealant can crack, warp, contract in the cold, and expand in the heat. When there is even the slightest separation between the flashing and the roof, water will seep in and cause damage. An untrained homeowner probably will not find this issue; an Honest Abe Roofing professional can inspect your roof at no charge and find any sealant leaks or other problems with your roof.
  3. 3. Cracks in the membrane or underlayment: Membranes and underlayments are moisture barriers between shingles (and other roofing materials) and the roof decking. Long periods of rain and snow, along with extreme heat and cold, can cause them to crack. If you have a leak inside your house, this may be why.
  4. 4. Damaged shingles: Check the condition of your shingles every spring because winter weather can cause serious damage. Extreme cold may make shingles at the edge of the roof split or warp. Older shingles may curl or cup. If you find damaged shingles on your roof this spring, get scheduled for roof repairs right away to prevent roof leaks.
  5. 5. Pests: Mice, birds, bats and other animals often nest in attics. Other pests, like ants and termites, also damage roofs. Keep the pests out by sealing cracks and installing guards. And if the wooden parts of your roofing system—the soffit and the fascia—have water damage, get that fixed right away because squirrels, raccoons, and other animals like to nest in soft, rotting wood.


If you allow any of these maintenance issues to slide, you may face a serious roofing emergency. Water damage can cause expensive problems like drywall damage, mold, and electrical problems. Investing in routine roofing repairs in the spring is like buying extra insurance for your home. You’re protecting yourself from the inconvenience of major damage that comes from not maintaining your roof and beyond the expense of fixing it.

Roofing Repairs After Spring Storms

Some roofing emergencies happen overnight. The next time you’re hit by a severe thunderstorm, check your roof for damage. Hail, wind, and rain all damage roofs:


  • Hail damage: Hailstones of one inch or more put holes in shingles. Smaller hail leaves dents and dark spots on asphalt roofs. When shingles are damaged, water can leak into your home, damaging your ceiling, walls, and the roof deck. Call Honest Abe Roof 24-Hour Emergency Roof Repair Services right away. We will check out the damage, give you an estimate, then cover your roof until we can repair it.
  • Wind damage: High winds blowing constantly often damage shingles or blow them off. Wind also rips off gutters and roof drip edges. The wood under the drip edges is now exposed to the elements.
  • Limb damage: Wind and heavy rain can weaken trees and limbs. When a tree falls on your roof, you’re probably replacing your roof thanks to your insurance company.



You can inspect your own roof after a storm, or anytime. This checklist covers the basics:


  • Look at the roof from the attic. You should not see light coming through the eaves, stains, or streaks.
  • Climb on the roof (carefully!) and check your shingles for damage.
  • Look for drooping or sagging shingles. They may be hiding a rotted roof.
  • See if moss or fungi are growing on the roof. This signals trapped moisture.
  • Check the water coming from your downspouts for pieces of shingles or granular shingle material. If you find this, your roof is deteriorating, and you will need a new one soon.
  • Look around skylights and vents to see if the seals are cracked. They also may have shrunk or expanded and are not filling the space properly.


For a thorough professional inspection, contact Honest Abe Roofing. Our 16-point roof inspections are free of charge. After the inspection, we will give you a firm quote for repairing your roof.

Will a Metal Roof Need Repairs in the Spring? Inspections

Metal roofs are extremely durable. The rib panel steel roofing Honest Abe Roofing installs has a Class 4 hail impact rating, Class A fire rating, and 130 MPH wind rating. Still, like any fine product, metal roofs need to be cared for and they may need some spring repairs after a long snowy winter. Repairs sometimes include:


  • Replacing flashing damaged in a storm.
  • Removing corrosion that may appear around the HVAC system and ventilation areas.
  • Repairing any rust spots.
  • Adjusting panels that are loose or have separated at the seams.
  • Painting or replacing metal around chimneys, solar panels, air vents, and skylights to see if any paint or metal has degraded.


Maintaining a metal roof includes:

  • Cleaning the metal panels with dish soap and a microfiber cloth.
  • Brushing leaves and debris out of the valleys to prevent corrosion.
  • Keeping trees trimmed around the house to keep them off the roof and from falling on the roof during a storm.


Before getting on a metal roof, make sure you know which parts you can walk on without damaging the roof.

How Old is Too Old to Repair a Roof?

As you consider roofing repairs in the spring, you may think your roof is too old for more repairs. Asphalt shingle roofs last 20 to 25 years. (Shingles installed over an existing layer of shingles last 15 years.) If your roof is that old, it’s best to head in the direction of a roof replacement instead of more repairs. Honest Abe Roofing does offer financing to make it easier for our customers to replace their roofs.

Find out today if you need roof repairs this spring bycontacting Honest Abe Roofing.

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